Monday, May 4, 2015

So its been a while since we have last spoken.
For that I am truly sorry because its literally been years.
My journeys have led me to the beautiful state of Florida
And I now manage an organic juice bar.

I have few complaints about that its a beautiful way to be able to express my passion of a healthy lifestyle....

Which brings me to why I am writing.
I'm battling with the thought of myself maybe having a disease.  I don't know exactly what it could be.. and I'm terrified to think about it...

I am alone in this.

I lost my mother when I was young and now all there is left is a skeleton of her existence that haunts me and makes me feel hatred, the most toxic feeling we humans possess. I want to blame her for causing me these hardships in my life, but blame can only go so far.

There is a beauty in pain.
I will always remember.
And keep my head up to those feelings.

Strength is the most important force we can have, not a physical strength either.  A strength that comes from within, from your heart and mind working together striving for greatness.

Just in the words of Bob Marley "every little thing is going to be alright"

Monday, May 27, 2013

inspiration seeker

I seek inspiration,
I look where i think i will find it, and sometimes nothing seems to be found.

I am the type of person that tries to only follow there heart, listen to there passion and be lead by what seems to be my destiny.
I look for my destiny. where ever i go.
The biggest question now i ask my self is WHY?

Now, logic: I seek this because my past is full of things that are unbeleivable to most i think. I take the solemn walks around paris to think, find meanings, and ponder of my life.
What is coming next a lot of the time. How can a better myself, and this world around me.
Who is Olivia Clermont?

I try and find myself in creative outlets. Painting, writing, music all the usual things people use. Is this where i am going wrong?

Is a person born into this world with a plan? or is it just something that we beleive is true.
I think that people are born for a certain life. Discovering it is what we do everyday and how we pursue it is our own choice.
Free Choice. The roads we take, the times we decide to turn to just see a different street.
where does it dead end?

I ask myself if there is a fantasy attached to every reality. Is there an element of this we all make up to ourselves to make it seem better. How people perceive themselves and how we perceive the world as a whole. Fantasy is something important to all humans, its imagination and creativity. It's making the world "your world" having your own perception. If we all had the same perception then there would be no diversity, no personal meanings to things..
It would be Boring.

I seek inspiration, in the streets of Paris.
Why? idea.

have i found it?


but i will not loose my faith.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Where it all begins

Living in Paris has been an experience already,

Ernest Hemingway once said "If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young woman, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a movable feast."

I can't seem to think anything different. Paris has treated me well so far, and most likely will continue too. As it should have, it has shown me the truest of love, but not the love that you all think of when you go to Paris. Kissing under the Tour Eiffel, skipping down the Champs Elysees with your lover while holding hands, and feeding each other crepes in St. Michel is NOT what I am talking about.
I am talking about a more pure kind of love, love of ones self, friendships, solemn walks by the Seine, exploring night by night with your camera around your neck. The love of realizing what you have when you are walking down the street and seeing homeless folks, hearing them making their statements in the metro, you realize how truly privileged you are because not only do you live in this magical place at such a young age but you also don't suffer and you aren't constantly ignored or worse, starred at.
Paris is a city of variety. On a daily basis I could speak to someone from India here studying to be a pastry chef, to a 9 year old boy in the park who can remarkably speak English, German, Russian, french and is learning Chinese. There are places all over the world like this, but Paris brings out that certain je ne sais quoi in everyone.
Hate it or love it, it still does.
its true.
all you Parisians, that hate it, stop disagreeing.
face it.

We are all the same animal.

Whether we are male or female, Chinese or American, black or white, maybe even Simoen we all are the same; HUMAN.
or Homosapin (as you prefer)
We all have one thing in mind, to chase our dream.

I think we aren't realizing that we are living it right now. What are you chasing?

You can't forget all that time you spend chasing, you could be living.
We wake up from our dreams every night, so we can live them during the day
So, lets all live, love, share, and try to appreciate the life we have been given. Our chosen path and our true destiny. (that's for Julia)
For now, mine is living in Paris and getting to teach and play with two of the worlds most amazing kids and I'm going to tell you ALL ABOUT IT.